Allyship Quiz
Reflecting on Your Life Journey
This tool is helpful for you to reflect on your own life experiences as you move through your allyship journey. The scores are arbitrary but they will give you an indication on how certain aspects of your life journey may differ to others. It is worth sharing this with others so that you can spark a conversation and truly support each other in the most meaningful ways. Note: Everyone’s journey is unique so please use this tool as a means to build an understanding of each other and reflect on the meaning behind the questions and the experience of others.
Instructions: Read through and answer each question. The more points the more potential perceived privilege.
No personal details are recorded.
More about Allyship
Allyship is showing up for one another. It’s:
Acknowledging the unique experiences of each individual
Actively listening to understand another's experience and gain empathy
Respecting each other for our similarities and differences, creating a sense of belonging
Standing up for those who experience discrimination and fostering an environment of zero tolerance
Allyship is fundamental to creating an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. By actively challenging biases, amplifying marginalized voices, and fostering psychological safety, allies contribute to a more equitable and empowering work environment.
Privilege is a right or advantage available only to a particular group or person.
Acknowledging our own privileges is the first step to truly showing up for others.
Every single one of us has some form of privilege, such as being able-bodied or college-educated or neurotypical. Some people’s privileges add up to be greater than others, and allyship is about using the privileges we do have to advocate for those who don’t have those same advantages.